Unique protection no matter what you sell.
经销商 insurance written by Universal Group, Ltd.
The risks associated with owning a dealership are diverse, no matter what you sell. From workers’ compensation to coverage for customers’ vehicles, 我们将帮助您处理这些复杂的问题,并设计一种策略,使您的业务顺利运行.
Insurance for dealerships of all types and sizes.
Whether you sell vehicles or equipment, 是特许经营还是独立经营, 或专门经营二手或新产品, your dealership needs an insurance policy that fits its specific needs. It’s all too easy to overlook some of the risks for which you need protection.
经销商s large and small have significant 库存 that can often carry a high value. Not only is there risk of the vehicles being damaged by fire or other weather events, 车辆可以从你的停车场被偷. 您还面临着有人可能试图以虚假的借口从您那里购买或出售车辆的风险. 了解您的库存可能遭受损失的不同方式将有助于了解您需要的保险范围.
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As much as any business tries to avoid them, mistakes can happen. Whether it’s an error on loan or lease forms or a vehicle’s history is misrepresented, someone could file a lawsuit if they feel they were harmed by your dealership. Even if the claims are meritless, they must be defended.
经销商E&O can help cover the cost of defense if your dealership is sued. This coverage can also help pay for damages that may be awarded to another party. Policies should cover a range of errors and omissions situations such as title errors, 违反信贷或租赁法律, and allegations of negligence in recording a used vehicle’s history.
你的企业有责任保护他人的财产. 如果你的经销商包括维修设施,或者你暂时持有属于客户的车辆, 当车辆在你的照管下损坏时,你可能要承担经济责任, 监护权, 和控制.
You should purchase physical damage coverage, 称为车库管理员覆盖, 旨在帮助您在发生事故时保护客户的财产和业务, 受伤, 或者发生财产损失. This protection covers the costs that arise from unfortunate and unforeseeable events, 做工还不错, 错误的部分, 或保证.
与你的业务相关的外部标志容易受到火灾、破坏和天气的影响. 大多数商业地产政策都提供了标识的保险范围,但这可能还不够.
评估您的标识暴露,并确定您现有的商业财产保险单是否提供足够的保险范围. If not, increase the policy limit as required.
经销商s face significant pollutant risks through their use of solvents, 清洗剂, 油漆, and other potentially harmful products. Spills could not only result in cleanup expenses, but you could also be held responsible for damage to third parties, 还有罚款.
污染物清理和清除保险可以帮助支付因污染物泄漏或泄漏而造成的伤害和财产损失的费用. This could include coverage not only at your place of business, but also spills that occur while your pollutants are being transported for disposal. If your dealership has an underground tank, this coverage is a must.
你的存货就是你的生计. 汽车损坏的原因有很多种,包括碰撞、天气事件或火灾. 车辆在无人看管或以试驾为幌子被盗的风险也存在.
经销商公开拍卖(DOL)为保险单中指定的具体损失提供车辆物理损坏的保险, which may include things like fire and theft. 保险范围可以根据保护或开放的程度而有所不同,可以包括车辆在前往另一个地点的途中发生的汽车碰撞,以及车辆被欺诈带走时的虚假伪装.
What would you do if a fire impacted the operation of your business? Or what if a pipe leak caused damage to your facility so that you couldn’t open? These and other events can destroy your ability to see customers and bring in revenue, which can have a major long-term impact on the viability of your business.
商业中断保险赔偿你的收入损失,如果你的业务不能正常运作,由于损害,在你的商业财产保险政策, 如火灾或水害. 这种类型的保险涵盖了你根据你的财务记录所赚取的收入, 事件没有发生吗. 该政策还包括持续运营费用,如租金、电费和普通工资.
如果你的员工受伤或生病,由于与工作有关的事件, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.
工人补偿保险保护你的员工在工作期间发生工伤或疾病的事件. This coverage is required by law, so be sure that your business has it.
平均而言,估计五分之三的企业将被员工起诉. While there is nothing you can do to prevent someone from filing a lawsuit, you can limit the costs of defending a legal claim with proper insurance coverage.
购买雇佣实践责任保险(EPLI),以保护您的企业免受涉嫌雇佣相关行为(如非法解雇)的影响, 未能推广, 歧视, 还有性骚扰.
A commercial umbrella insurance policy provides high limits of insurance, typically between $2 million and $10 million. 保险范围包括一般责任保险、工伤赔偿保险和商业汽车保险. It provides a great safety net and helps to secure protection for your dealership.
考虑到你出售的车辆的潜在高价值以及你收集的大量财务信息, 你的生意有被盗的危险. 如果你信任的员工被发现做了一些与你工作有关的不诚实的事情怎么办?
犯罪保险可以在你的商业财产保险中获得,但覆盖范围非常有限. 考虑获得一个独立的犯罪保险政策,包括雇员不诚实保险.
The internet has spun a whole new web of liability exposures. 电子商务, 社交网络, 云存储, and other technologies bring great benefits to large and small dealerships alike. But with these benefits also come challenges, 包括隐私保护, data, and the financial information of your customers.
网络责任保险在未经授权访问您网络中的电子数据或软件的情况下保护您的业务. It also provides coverage for spreading a virus, 敲诈勒索, accidental release of personal identifiable information, and resultant damage caused by a lost or stolen laptop or other mobile device. 随着您采用技术来帮助运营业务,这种覆盖范围将迅速变得越来越重要.
Any commercial property is at risk for damage due to fire or other events. Not only is your building and other structures on your property susceptible, everything inside from office 家具 to 库存 is at risk as well.
Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns or leases, 包括设备, 库存, 家具, 及设施. Whether you own your building or lease the space, 商业财产保险可以单独购买,也可以与其他必要的保险相结合,以保护企业的实物资产.
You have many exposures associated with the operation of your dealership, 包括前提, 汽车, 产品/完成操作. 即使是一次车祸或机械师的失误也可能使你的企业陷入财务危机.
Garage liability insurance provides comprehensive coverage for bodily injury, 财产损失, 以及其他与经销商及其零部件和服务部门的运营有关的责任敞口.
Garagekeepers coverage offers protection when you take someone’s vehicle into your care, 监护权, 或控制. 例如, 如果访客把自己的车留在你的场所,而把未来的新车试驾或谈判以旧换新, you may be legally required to have garagekeepers coverage. This protects against damage to the visitor’s car, including theft or vandalism.
The business side of dealership insurance.
别忘了确保你的保险涵盖更一般的业务要素,如访客的一般责任, 职工工伤赔偿, 并承保针对歧视索赔和其他人力资源风险的就业实践责任险.
To find out more about your dealership’s insurance needs, contact us today.
As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right coverage.
- 填好表格,我们会联系你的.
- 与代理一起审查选项.
- 获得你需要的保险.